tracks 1-8 have cutoff above 16khz (128 Fhg)

track 9 has cutoff above 17khz. this spectrum looks as 192kbit Fhg.

tracks 10-16 have normal spectrum (cutoff above 19khz)
Now the listening test:
First 9 tracks have distortion at high frequencies, for example hi-hats (sounds as 128kbit mp3).
Try to rip your CD with EAC or some other program (like dbpower). Make V0 VBR and what you see? None of the first 9 songs will have an average bitrate above 190. For example song 6 (April, which is noisy one) has AVG 187. That's crazy. Impossible. Try to rip your original CD (not "remastered") and every single file will be fair over 200.
I don't know like you but I feel cheated. My copy (in my country) cost me 25 dollars. What did I get? New booklet? Louder volume? Where are 2 extra tracks? Legal issue with Rain and Die, Die, Die? I don't believe it. What conflict could be with DDD other than that they used old 74 mins CD's?
IMO this is a scandal. I always liked Cherry Red but this crossed the line. I do not want to spread negative vibrations here. Nobody died so no big deal actually. But such things make me angry.